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You’re only 3 steps away from having your online shop


What would you do if your E-Commerce worked for you and not the other way around?

Kichink is a fully managed service that handles EVERYTHING, we repeat... EVERYTHING. Tech, Social Network Integrations, Payments, Deliveries, Customer Support, Digital Marketing...

What would you spend your money on if your E-Commerce was free?

Kichink is the only fully managed service that does not have Signup, Monthly, Yearly, Bianual, centennial, millennial fees... we repeat, NO FIXED FEES, so you can spend in actually growing your business

How far would your business go if you had an entire group of E-Commerce Experts to help you...

Kichink is the only fully managed service that walks you every step of the way, so your business can go places... we repeat, like GLOBAL places

What are the payment methods in my shop?

Your shop accepts payment through credit card, cash payments at convenience stores, bank transferring or through our prepaid Kash card.